Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Let the Blog Begin!

Blog, blog, blog. Where does one begin when there is so much to say?!

First off, let me begin by warning you that this blog will post my ideas. They are not the church's ideas. They do not represent, nor do they belong to Grace Church. They are mine!

I say that to get Grace off the hook for what might show up in this blog. Only God knows what could come of this space! Or, at least I hope God gets involved in the blogging process! It's just one more way of getting God out there, into the world of cyber reality that has been happening well before we figured it out in the churches...

We are in the middle of Lent. Which means that we're supposed to be on a spiritual journey toward Good Friday and ultimately, Easter resurrection. What does all that mean? Well, it's a mouth full. Lent is a term that describes the lengthening of days - especially as we now come toward spring. In the church, it has often been understood as a time of self-reflection, often associated with "giving up" something, to make one more reflective. I'm not a big "giver up-er" - I was never good at giving up chocolate or tv or coffee! It just didn't make sense to me! Were we giving up caffeine because Jesus gave his life up for us??! (I realize that by giving up something, we are to use that "space" created in our lives for spiritual renewal - to concentrate with the power of caffeine cravings to 'crave' toward God.)

This whole Lenten journey thing is about deepening our understanding of who God is and who Jesus is in our lives today. Through the period of Lent, we reflect on ourselves, on our faith, on our church, on our community, on our world and we grow through that reflection. At least, that's sort of what we're supposed to be doing! Some folks hit hard the journey of Jesus toward the cross of Calvary (we've done that before...a lot!). Some folks reflect on the messiness of this world and how we need God more in our middle! Some seek personal growth, while others seek a more corporate sense of growth.

This particular Lent at Grace Church, we have been focusing on the messages of the earthly Jesus. Jesus has shown us a Way to live our lives relative to the Kingdom of God. We are called to live our lives as if we were citizens of God's kingdom, rather than the particular kingdoms or empires or cultures in which we already live. What a radical guy this Jesus was (and still is!). For us to emigrate our citizenship (spiritually) into God's Kingdom and to begin living according to a completely different and radical set of rules (love thy neighbor, pray for those who persecute you, walk the extra mile, give to those who ask) is utterly crazy! And yet, this is exactly what Jesus has done and what God expects of us!

Can we do it?

That is the question of the season!! Can we really do it?!

I'll talk with you more about this stuff! I'm excited to begin this journey with you all!

God bless!


(Oh, if you want to know more about this Kingdom living stuff - tune into Matthew's Gospel and hit the Sermon on the Mount - chapter 5 and beyond. That'll give you a headstart! :)